() work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed
alt alternate(ing)
appr approximately
beg begin(ning)
bet between
BO bind off
BOR beginning of row (round)
C2L cross 2 left. Slip 2sts as if to purl onto CN and leave at front of work. k by pat, then k2 from CN.
C2R cross 2 right. Slip 2sts as if to purl onto CN and leave at back of work. k by pat, then k2 from CN.
cdd centered double decrease (makes -2sts). Slip 2 together as if to knit, k1, pass slipped sts over.
CN cable needle
CO cast on
cont continue
dec decrease(ing)
dp = dpn double pointed needles
EOR end of row (round)
fl front loop(s)
foll follow(s, ing)
g st garter stitch
inc increase(ing)
incl including
k1b knit 1 below. Knit into next stitch 1 row below.
k1fb = kfb knit 1 in front and back of a stitch (makes +1 st). Knit the stitch through the front loop as always, but don't drop it off the left needle. Knit the stitch again through the back loop, and then drop it off.
k1tbl knit 1 st through back loop
k2tog knit 2sts together (makes -1 st)
k2tog tbl knit 2sts together through back loops (makes -1 st)
k#tog knit next # stitches together (makes -#sts)
kwise knitwise
l.n. left needle
LLI left lifted increase (makes +1 st). With your left needle, lift the left leg of the stitch 2 rows below the stitch on right-hand needle. On RS: knit it through back loop; on WS: purl it through back loop.
lp(s) loop(s)
M marker
m1 make 1 st
m1h make 1 st leaving a hole. With left needle, pick up the horizontal bar between sts, bringing the needle from front to back. Knit through front loop of this new stitch, leaving a decorative hole.
m1L make 1 st that leans left. With left needle, pick up the horizontal bar between sts, bringing the needle from front to back. Knit tbl of this new stitch.
m1R make 1 st that leans right. With left needle, pick up the horizontal bar between sts, bringing the needle from back to front. Knit through front loop of this new stitch.
mb make bobble
p purl
p1b purl 1 below. Purl into next stitch 1 row below.
p1tbl purl 1 st through back loop
p2tog purl 2sts together (makes -1 st)
p#tog purl next # stitches together (makes -#sts)
p2tog tbl purl 2sts together through back loops (makes -1 st)
pat = patt pattern
pm place marker
prev previous
psso pass slipped stitch over
pu1 pick up 1 st
pwise purlwise
R row
r.n. right needle
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
rev St st reverse stockinette stitch
RLI right lifted increase (makes +1 st). With your right needle, lift the right leg of the stitch below the next stitch on left needle up to the left needle. On RS: knit it; on WS: purl it.
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
s2kp slip 2, knit, pass (makes -2sts). Slip 2sts together as if to knit, k1, pass slipped sts over.
sk skip
sk2p slip, k2, pass (makes -2sts). Slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together, pass slipped st over.
sl1 slip 1 stitch
sl1wyib slip 1 st with yarn in back. Slip 1 stitch as if to purl holding yarn at the back of work.
sl1wyif slip 1 st with yarn in front. Slip 1 stitch as if to purl holding yarn at the front of work.
skp = skpo slip, knit, pass (makes -1 st). Slip 1 stitch, k1, pass slipped st over.
ssk slip, slip, knit (makes -1 st). Slip 2sts as if to knit one by one. Pass them back onto left needle, then knit through back loops together.
ssp slip, slip, purl (makes -1 st). Slip 2sts as if to knit one by one. Pass them back onto left needle, then purl through back loops together.
sssk slip, slip, slip, knit (makes -2sts). Slip 3sts as if to knit one by one. Pass them back onto left needle, then knit through back loops together.
St st stockinette stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tbl through back loop
tog together
w&t wrap and turn. Bring yarn to the front. Slip 1 stitch purlwise. Bring yarn to the back. Return the slipped stitch onto left needle. Turn your work.
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yo yarn over (makes +1 st). Wrap yarn around the right needle.
yo2 double yarn over (makes +1 or +2sts depending on pat) . Wrap yarn around the right needle twice.